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Corona Virus

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he Corona family - a virus makes a Career

Viral diseases are not just a brand new challenge, but overall a “hot pot”. Over the past 10 to 15 years we have received reports of new viruses entering Europe and their effects.

From time to time they appear more threatening. Whether swine or bird flu, SARS, Zika or Ebola viruses - they always come from far and endanger our health.

Even if you do not believe everything that is disseminated, researched yourself and have common sense, these reports are suitable to shake your own certainty about it. If in doubt, you'd better stay away from an event or even get vaccinated preventively.



A crucial problem are the two camps in the scene. The ones who focus on seeing the virus as a "new threat" and want to get it under control - primarily with the help of vaccinations. The others who see these viruses as "mutations developed in the laboratory" whose real purpose is to be kept veiled. Ultimately, we rely on reports and have little chance of knowing the truth. We cannot tell you the truth either. But we can try to share information with you and let experienced therapists have their say, so it may be a little easier for you to get your own picture. It is currently a corona virus that worries the mind.


New reports and reports about it appear almost daily - even chronicles are kept. But what is this virus really about?


What are corona viruses?

The corona viruses got their name because of their crown-like appearance (lat. Corona "crown, wreath"). They belong to the Coronaviridae family, are comparatively large, round, have a shell and are highly variable. As they multiply, their genetic makeup changes every time, so they can change in a different way and also suddenly become an issue for people, even though they had previously only infected animals.


Researchers have already described countless species, so there are already groups and subgroups. They are usually found in the animal kingdom (birds, fish, mammals), where they primarily cause respiratory organ diseases. However, some of them are also transferable to humans.


Most corona viruses cause mild cold symptoms with cough and runny nose, sometimes with diarrhea. But a few also cause serious respiratory infections, not infrequently followed by pneumonia. Like the virus itself, the incubation period varies between two days and two weeks.


The infamous "stars" among them

The most famous and at the same time the most dangerous are the SARS coronavirus ("Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome"), which is said to have infected a total of 8,000 people in 2002/2003, of which 774 died from the consequences of pneumonia (most of them in China, the named country of origin) , About 2,500 people are said to have been infected with the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) coronavirus since 2012, of which 30% died (most of them in the Arabian Peninsula). (


The SARS virus is still considered to be the most infectious and dangerous of the corona viruses. The new family member takes the stage: 2019-nCoV At the end of 2019, there were a striking number of pneumonia cases in the Chinese city of Wuhan. On January 7, 2020, the source was announced by the Chinese side as a new corona virus. It received the name 2019-nCoV ("2019 novel coronavirus"). On January 30, the World Health Organization (WHO) called for an international health emergency to "prevent the new virus from spreading to inadequate health care in the United States." Figures and current assessment from public sources According to the Robert Koch Institute, 31,500 cases have been reported worldwide (including 13 in Germany), including 639 deaths (1 in the Philippines, 1 in Hong Kong, all others in China). (, 2/14/20) Although 2019-nCoV can also heavily infect the respiratory tract, it is still considered to be relatively harmless to the SARS virus. Some reports mention that the physical condition of those affected had a decisive impact on the severity of the disease and that the deaths mostly occurred in older or already weakened people. Scientists are currently investigating whether vaccines developed against SARS and MERS could also be used against 2019-nCoV. There are also a number of elaborated scenarios and projections that seemed very hypothetical to us and we would rather refrain from spreading them further.


To think about…

There is an entry in the database of the German Patent Office relating to the coronavirus that “The present invention provides a living attenuated coronavirus which comprises a variant replicase gene which codes for polyproteins which mutate one or more nonstructural protein (s) (nsp ) -10, nsp-14, nsp-15 or nsp-16. The corona virus can be used as a vaccine to treat and / or prevent a disease such as infectious bronchitis in a target person."


Invented by Erica Bickerton, Sarah Keep and Paul Britton, the priority on the rights to it was secured on July 23, 2014 in the UK under file number GB1413020.7 (all data and research evidence for a patent must already be available for this). Filed on July 23, 2015 under the ownership of "The Pirbright Institute" (GB), the US patent was granted on January 28, 2016 under number: US10130701B2. 


According to several reports found on the Internet, the coronavirus is an invention that is said to have intentionally or unintentionally escaped near the city of Wuhan in December 2019.


And now?

There is no doubt that our “civilized” way of life, including our diet and the increasing electrosmog, further open the doors to disease susceptibility. And of course viruses can mutate into almost infinite versions. But still the gnawing question remains: How do you deal with it under the given 



We asked two of our experienced users to share their point of view with us.


Ms. Mechthild Rex-Najuch - naturopath in Germany since 1984 and a conscientious researcher down to the smallest detail, has been working with vital field technology for 20 years - says the following:

“The corona virus is causing general uncertainty about a new, difficult to predict plague. Who are these new viruses? Well, they are not new, only a new strain has appeared, in China, in the province of Wuhan, at a fish market, only about 40 km away from an S4 research facility (highest security level for "biological research"). The previous virus strains have been known for years, cause colds in the respiratory system and are classified as harmless. The transmission takes place via droplet, smear and contact infection - perfect for an epidemic. The WHO's new name also fits in with this. The provisional 2019-nCoV officially becomes COVID-19. This name is also an abbreviation: CO for Corona, VI for Virus and D for disease. According to WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the reason for this decision is that this name is easier to pronounce and does not stigmatize any country or ethnic group.


The path from provisional horror to a professional clinical picture seems short and full of flimsy arguments. In me it reinforces the impression of a staging, one that cannot be unmasked immediately.


The media is fueling the fear that a wave of illnesses could hit us. Hardly anyone informs about the massive air pollution on site in China, which of course makes respiratory pathogens more devastating than elsewhere. Because the immune systems of the residents of the province of Wuhan are already pre-loaded with environmental pollution, depending on previous illnesses it may even be borderline. Boundary parameters are omitted in the scenario of a possible epidemic because, like the new pathogen strain, they cannot be estimated with certainty.


The question arises whether the introduction of new drugs is being prepared here or whether the scenario is actually real. Even the number of sick people varies, as does the number of deaths1. Vaccines are being discussed and researched, but they would not work until next year anyway. Such statements tend not to create security.


In the end, every responsible citizen has to decide for himself whether and how endangered he is. That seems difficult, and if I follow the statements on social media or in public transport, the opinion landscape is diverse and always highly subjective. No wonder if the official statements are not clear. Even Lothar Wieler, President of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), still considers the danger in Germany to be "very low".


At the same time, a new active ingredient, silvestrol, against coronaviruses is reported, which was found by the team led by Prof. Arnold Grünweller. Interestingly, this also works with other viral diseases such as Ebola, Lassa or Zika - all of which are considered dangerous, virus-related infectious diseases. Silvestrol blocks the enzyme that the invading coronaviruses need for reproduction. It is obtained from mahogany plants, is difficult to produce, and therefore the natural substance has to be used. The synthetic version has a simpler molecular structure, but seems to work well enough3. A positive aspect of this finding is the fact that there are natural substances that have an antiviral effect. This includes the medicinal mushroom extracts from Shitake and Coriolus, mustard oils and many others. They could be part of our daily diet and would strengthen us. But we're far from that, and medication seems so much more confidence-inspiring for many people.


From a naturopathic point of view, I think there is above all an assessment of the situation: a healthy immune system can cope with viruses.


So we are on our own when it comes to strengthening our own immune defenses. This includes exercise, fresh air, enough sleep, healthy eating and much more.

For VitalfeldTechnologie users:

The medicinal mushrooms mentioned can either be taken or swung in using DigiSoft. All programs with the words reorganization, harmonization or self-regulation in the title are well suited to support the vital field of our immune system in what the immune system does anyway, namely to protect our health.


Dr. vet. Hans Stadelmann - veterinarian in Switzerland and specialized in transferable factors animal-human-animal (zoonoses) and vital field technology users for 25 years - has interesting information:


“In livestock practice, corona viruses have been occurring once or twice a week for years - depending on temperature fluctuations, air humidity and stress levels, sometimes more often, sometimes less. Young animals (calves, lambs, goats, piglets) are particularly affected, especially weakened animals. Without therapy everyone dies. Sometimes the corona virus is associated with the rotavirus. (The veterinary database contains a: Corona Rota virus vaccine.)


The corona virus can change genetically quickly and is transferable as a zoonosis (animal-human-animal), but this is basically not a problem. You just have to create an environment hostile to corona.


In general, viruses are very easy to treat homeopathically. For example with Vincetoxicum. 

For my user colleagues:

In vital field technology, I do the following.


  • Strengthen your immune system

  • Open the filter

  • Activate excretory organs

  • Clean and relieve mucous membranes

  • Relieve the lymphatic system

  • Target vital field with "activation killer cells" 


For food supplement: Vitamin C liposomal 1-2 g / day, vitamin D + K2 10,000 IU, glutathione


In addition: regulation of water-salt balance, acid-base balance, maintaining homeostasis in the body, avoiding carbohydrates and sugar, boosting fat metabolism (increasing omega 3 fatty acids), basic water pH 8-9 (limited), protein-rich basic diet (vegetable proteins ), Enough exercise outdoors.


In my practice, these cases always recovered quickly when the above measures were taken.


For me, a coronavirus infection shows the mirror image of the diet of the corresponding people and / or animals. A healthy diet results in healthy people and healthy animals."


Sources: VITATEC Medizintechnik GmbH

Germany & Switzerland





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