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A resilient Woman....

There is a resilient woman inside of you who cannot be broken by a person or circumstance. She is brave and courageous, fierce and kind.

She trusts the impermanence of life, she can let go when it’s time. Remember her, she is calling you home.

She is the one that remains.

Once the waters have risen and all remnants of the past have been washed out to sea.

She is the one who cannot be broken by another person or circumstance.

No matter who left, what harm was done, what bonds were broken. She remains.

She is the voice of Wild Woman, Wise Woman and Inner-Mother all wrapped up in one. She is the sweet innocent child, and the fully embodied woman.

She is the sensitive and dreamy one, the bold and outrageous one.

She cannot be taken.

Despite old dreams having shattered and beliefs called into question. Despite having to let go of all that was familiar, marching forward barefoot and empty handed.

She remains.

She is the intuition of your soul, a messenger of your ancestors, an anchor between this earthly realm and the land of imagination and spirit.

When life has had its way with you. When you have been stripped bare of all you thought you knew, she’s still in there.

Remember her… she is calling you home.






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