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Yin & Yang

A Theory Fundamental to TCM Practice

The theory of Yin and Yang is fundamental to the practice of TCM in terms of understanding, diagnosing, and treating health issues. At the most basic and deep level, TCM treatment seeks to balance Yin and Yang in each person. One ancient TCM text expressed the power and importance of Yin and Yang this way: “If you can understand Yin and Yang you can hold the universe in your hands.”

How Yin and Yang Apply to You and Your Life

You might be wondering how Yin and Yang apply to you and your life, and to any health issues you might have. Theories are interesting, but unless they have some meaning to your own experience, what’s the point?

First, the theory of Yin-Yang tells us that at the macro level—the largest scale imaginable—all things are always balancing and rebalancing into a state of perfect harmony. Yes, there is ceaseless change, yet this movement and flux, at its deepest level, is creating harmony, is perfect harmony. Yin and Yang are the two energies that embody Universal law, which ensures that all things remain in harmony.

It’s often difficult to actually see this harmony on a smaller scale, in the world around us, for instance. It isn’t always apparent in the world humans have created and especially in our busy, frequently complicated modern lives. But think about it: if you really understand and believe in Yin and Yang, harmony is the Universal architectural framework that underlies and impacts this reality. So in essence, harmony is the only ground we walk on and is the very air we breathe.

How can you apply this awareness to your life?

A great part of TCM’s healing approach is to help you step back from your life and look at where your life might actually be creating health issues for you. For most people, this is a process that happens over time. For some, it comes in a moment of great insight. From the TCM perspective, what is the point of continually treating symptoms that are caused by emotions, patterns of thought, belief systems, or a lifestyle that is out of balance? Truly, isn’t it better to understand and work to change the root cause (or causes) of the problem? The entire Universal pattern is one of establishing balance and harmony. This perspective can help you more peacefully view the world and your role in it.

Most people have heard the saying, “As above, so below.” If Universal law is all about creating and maintaining harmony, wouldn’t the limitless power of that energy force support in some way your own efforts to create harmony in your own body and being? As a deep and authentic healing system, TCM understands and applies Yin and Yang to help you harmonize your body, mind, emotions, and spirit, and then harmonize your individual energy with nature.





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