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Bobinsana, Bobinsana diet, Bobinsana Master Plant Teacher:

Bobinsana tends to grow alongside rivers and streams and is particularly populous along the Huallaga and Mayo rivers in Eastern Peru. It is not difficult to miss or confuse this plant with another as it has brilliant anemone-like flowers that open and glow red-pink in the early morning and late afternoon. Bobinsana is native to South American and is prevalent throughout the Amazon in the countries of Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia, and Brazil. The Shipibo shamanic traditions along the Ucayali river where our retreats are based, refer to the plant as semein. The plant has several medicinal uses, as well as spiritual qualities.

Different elements of the plant will be prepared in a variety of ways, depending on the medicinal purpose. For example, the bark is frequently deconcocted or boiled for a long period of time in order to treat rheumatism, to act as a contraceptive and to stimulate the nervous system. The same process is repeated with the roots of the plant to treat disorders of the uterus and to cleanse the blood. The entire plant may be boiled, (that includes the leaves, stems, bark, and flowers) to energize the body and mind.

In terms of spiritual qualities, Bobinsana master plant teacher can be offered together with Ayahuasca as part of a Master Plant dieta to enhance the hallucinogenic properties of Ayahuasca and therefore hasten the student’s connection to the spirit world through ceremony. It is important to note that Bobinsana alone is not a hallucinogen, rather it works symbiotically with Ayahuasca to create a powerful holotropic substance.

In the Shipibo traditions, Bobinsana is a master plant teacher, first and foremost and is well known for its gentle stimulating effects and its ability to open the heart to greater compassion, strength, and guidance from the spirit realm.

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